• care

The role of feeding in the bond

The role of feeding in the bond


Human beings and dogs create an intense and close bond of friendship, which cannot be seen in other species.  Dogs are very sociable animals and millennia of domestication have encouraged the creation of this type of close bond with their owner. Dogs are very good observers of human behaviour and they can respond to the mood signals of their owner, showing signs of restlessness as they try to please the owner and avoid being nagged.  They feel true affection for their owner.  This affection is one of the main reasons why owners, in exchange, develop such a strong bond with their pet. Dogs have many attractive features for their owner. On the one hand, there is the physical issue, because many dogs have a fantastic physical appearance, with large eyes and soft fur that is pleasant to stroke.  On the other hand, and different to what happens in human beings, the affection shown by dogs is unquestionable and is always present; this is why they are loyal and trustworthy friends. Many owners trust their pets, they tell them their secrets and effectively humanise them. That is why for man, the bond with its pet is unique.  Several studies have shown the advantages of this type of bond for human beings, such as an improved emotional state and better physical condition.



Owners seek many ways of corresponding to the love and loyalty of their pets. One of them is directly showing affection, such as telling them something in a pleasant tone of voice. Puppies quickly learn to respond with a pleasant voice and the best is always to use the same expression, such as "good dog", this way it will always associate it with a positive stimulus.  Another form of reward is petting and hugging them. You can also reward dogs by playing with them, throwing them a ball or another toy.  Finally, food is also a very effective reward and a very useful mechanism to change their behaviour.  For this you should use food rewards. Although this type of reward is often used when training pets, it is also a significant way in which owners can show their pets their affection and reinforce their link with their dog.



Food rewards are without a doubt a very effective reward to train dogs. A significant disadvantage of giving them food rewards is the risk of eating too much and putting on weight over time. It is essential that owners make sure this does not happen by controlling their food rewards. This does not mean that it should be avoided, but it should be used prudently.  Some rewards can be given in larger amounts than others, for example, if they are fulfilled at a nutritional level.  If they are given a reward, it is important that the amount of food is reduced proportionally to make up for the calories of the reward. In other words, owners should control their pets' weight regularly and set an optimum balance between the nutrients in meals and rewards.  If dogs show a tendency to put on weight excessively, meals or rewards or both shall be reduced.



Nutrients and meals are an important part of the man-animal bond, because food is a great reward for dogs, and many owners enjoy rewarding their pet's loyalty with food.  In fact, you can rest assured that with appropriate nutrition, you will strengthen and improve the bond you have with your pet, while at the same time ensuring that both owner and dog are healthy and happy.